NBA and Kentucky college basketball star Rex Chapman is joining CNN as
a host for CNN+, the much-anticipated streaming subscription service
that will debut in Q1 2022.
Chapman is known for celebrating the highs of college basketball and
NBA stardom, rebounding from the lows of opioid addiction and now for
his viral social media presence where he shares humor and positivity.
In that same spirit, Chapman’s weekly CNN+ show will include intimate
conversations with athletes, entertainers and everyday heroes as
Chapman looks for the silver lining beyond today’s toughest headlines.
It will contribute to CNN+’s slate of original, live programming and
be available at launch.
Chapman joins CNN+ from Adult Swim where he was the host of “Block or
Charge,” which was based off of his series of viral tweets. He is also
the host of two podcasts, Charges with Rex Chapman and The Rex Chapman
Show, a podcast about the latest news from the NBA. Chapman is a
basketball legend at the University of Kentucky and a 12-season former
NBA star. He has worked as an analyst for Kentucky basketball and NBA
TV and a color commentator for TNT during the NBA playoffs.
More information about Chapman’s show, additional hires and CNN+’s
full lineup will be available in the weeks to come.