Michael Irvin’s Legendary Pre-Game Speech

Every year when Miami plays Florida State I get inspired by the same pregame speech. The same music. Every. Single. Time.

The same speech from Legendary Hurricanes WR Michael Irvin. National Champion in 87 with the Canes. A man who probably loves this program more than any of us. Combined.

The year was 2014 right before  Miami vs FSU, the Phil Collins track “In The Air” tonight played in the background. Irvin implored the Canes to go out there and “Do Your Job.” It was not your typical “Rah Rah” kind of speech. It spoke to your soul.

 So if you have a major exam coming up, a big presentation to make in the boardroom of a fortune 500 company, you have to propose to your girlfriend tonight? Listen to this Michael Irvin speech and you will feel as if you can do anything.

Picture of Jeff Fox

Jeff Fox

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